Thursday, June 26, 2014

Drum roll please........autoimmune paleo!!!!!

Yes that's right, I will be doing the autoimmune paleo program. Ok I will rewind time to meeting Dr. Geronimo. The first doctor to actually want to test me for more than just my "TSH" levels. To say the least, my blood work was multiple pages long, and full of all the "wrong" that was going on with my blood. I had a lot wrong, in a lot of areas. (I will go into detail another time) All of the areas are mendable, thankfully. I felt like I had just been given the key to helping me find healing to "my so called hashi lifestyle." 

I took what he gave me, I followed the meal plans he told and I bought the supplements he suggested. I even felt better. It took a second, but I wasn't tired all the time and I felt a whole lot better. 

The thing is, I still needed more. Call me selfish.  I love knowledge. I want to know why I am feeling what I am feeling. I want to know that what I'm feeling is supposed to be how I'm feeling. Or if I'm tired, is it my hashis or is it the healing, my doc has prescribed. But I guess I needed too much without being a patient who wanted to pay for a couple of questions. Call me crazy, but I think a few questions is normal. I think a phone questions is key to having me be your patient for a long period of time. I will pay for my questions. I will do what is needed. But the big chunk of money that you require, was hard for my skeptical mind that had been told multiple lies. 

As you can guess I'm not with him anymore, nor am I being as diligent with AIP as I should be. Regretful, yes. Embarrassed that I didn't just follow and pay the money, yes. Maybe I would be way better now. But this is a part of "my so called hashi lifestyle." The ups and downs. The highs and lows. The good and the bad. But it is still just me going through this. So I have to learn from my mistakes and grown from everyone. 

Skeptical to say the least.

I realize that my title "my so called hashi healing lifstyle" sounds skeptical, but I am skeptical! Being told from day one, to take a pill, and it will make you feel better. Then you loose your hair, or gain weight, or have dry skin, and don't forget the mood swings. (Those are something else. Talk about evil crazy lady I don't recognize.) But your doctor and blood tests say you need them, so you take them. Then another kind, and another, because you either got hives, or you got sleepy, or they just didn't do anything for your levels. (levels will be a blog in themselves) Then come to find out, the meds haven't worked because you have something called "Hashimotos." A disease that attacks your thyroid, and in turn, everything else. But it makes your levels look like you are hypothyroid, AND hyperthyroid. Then the doc has no clue what to do with you or worse, thinks you need to loose weight and you will feel better, or its in your head and you must be lazy. Now you see, why I am a little skeptical of anything "Hashimotos." So in a nut shell, I am trying to "heal" my hashimotos through lifestyle changes. This blog will be my journal of my ups and downs. The food that works and the food that didn't. A way to remember where I have been and how far I will get with it all. To remind myself to not give up. "MY, so called hashi healing lifestyle."